Dr. Sue

A former FBI Agent, her name was Sue, and she worked at the CI with all her great cohorts. Renown and tops in her field, a professor of sorts, She showed us who was Dominant, Conscientious, Influential or Steady, To ensure we’d be ace at interviewing, and of course, to be ready. Sue taught us… Continue reading Dr. Sue


On That Big Lake

Long ago the day started beautiful on the lake with that break of dawn, When my brothers Frank, and Eddie and myself started fishing that day All we could talk about was the big fish we might catch, However, we just never expected to face death that day in that big lake. We thought we… Continue reading On That Big Lake


My Stressed Out Friend

I hear you’re stressed, and sick and tired. You’ve been working like a maniac, and getting bogged down & mired. You’ve been writing agency guidelines When you feel you should be on the sidelines. And now your brain is toast, and feel you’ve done the most. However, do not get stressed on me, Kay. Now… Continue reading My Stressed Out Friend


Our Girl Friday

She handles the toughest issues, And makes it all look simple. Yet you wonder how she is able to do it, With nary a complaint or whimper. With all the budget & other stuff to do, She takes it all in stride, And keeps coming back for more, And always gets it right. She’s always… Continue reading Our Girl Friday


My Dad and Mom

It all started when my Dad was born sweet off the vine in ’29, He was the seventh of eleven children. He would give you his lunch, and would not whine If you needed it more than he. For you see my Dad could not stand things not to be right, you see. Dad was… Continue reading My Dad and Mom



Life can sometimes be a bear. It can fill us with rapture; it can make us tingle and shiver. Bittersweet and cold sometimes, life sometimes makes us not care. Yet Life can sometimes be like chocolate, so sweet and can make us quiver. As you know, the emotions of Life can vary greatly in heights.… Continue reading Life

Categorized as Poetry

My Friend Lauren

My Friend Lauren just told me that an early October frost has just moved in, In addition, that her summer vegetable patch was getting thin. She said she had already pulled out her winter clothes, PJs, and such, However, was still looking forward to some deep-sea fishing coming up. Now Lauren with her lovable New… Continue reading My Friend Lauren

Categorized as Poetry

Getting to Lubbock

Seems like the miles go on forever, When going to Lubbock, so you swear. But don’t doubt for a second, however That you won’t enjoy the scenery getting there. From vast open spaces, To even windmill traces, The whole scene just embraces you To the good Lord’s vast graces. From valleys’ to mesas’ And everything… Continue reading Getting to Lubbock

Categorized as Poetry