Ode to Ted Kennedy


We buried Ted Kennedy today, and are again, faced with sadness,
I say, thank God, that at least he was a grandfather, where his brothers did not live long enough to enjoy that experience.
It seems at least there was not as much pain as in the earlier tragedies,
For he lived a complete full life, and somehow I am lifted to know that.
Watching all the eulogies, it seemed he did more than most.

Could it be that he fulfilled what his Brothers could not?

I am reminded again of the great work started by JFK and Bobby, why had we forgotten?
It seems good that so many came to say goodbye while Teddy was in repose;
So fitting that all three brothers be laid to rest so close.
Gives me comfort in knowing that he is together once again with all his family,
At the helm of his boat at sea with them and can now roam.

So sail on Teddy, you’ve done well for your family & country,
Charter your course, and sail on, sail on home.

Robert Collazo, 8/29/09.


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