The Cobwebs of My Mind

Memories from the dusty cobwebs of my mind,
Are filed deep behind other memories much entwined.
They lie like old black/white pics painting my childhood complete,
Where my brothers, cousins, and a pile of neighborhood kids
All played ball on summer days on that hot concrete,
In front of that house on 38th Street.

More memories come crashing of us all together in that little house, so snug and warm,
No matter what was going on outside with life’s storms,
My brothers and I, in that front bedroom, falling asleep
Waiting for Kris Kringle to arrive.
Then waking up to shinning bikes so splendid, and nice,
All lie in the back cobwebs of my mind quite precise.

Another archived memory comes flying by of a close cut
Brother Bill in a tall barber’s chair;
Blurred images of Frank and I bringing in milk from the barn;
Eddie playing football, catching the ball, & winning the game,
It doesn’t matter now, for they were all good,
All stuck in the back cobwebs of my mind from my childhood.

Now someone not in the cobwebs, is when I think of my wife,
Forty-nine years of memories come flooding in,
The love of my life and all our good times,
From the early years in the Army, how sweet they were;
To the long careers we’ve both had, and like a sweet ballet
We’ve had, together on our crossroads of life along our way.

Recalling new memories of life and times with my dear Son
So many clear images of a young kid,
To our beautiful grown man, he’s been our life’s joy,
Our most greatest accomplishment, our modern caveman.
Those memories of he & I in Costa Rica are not dull,
But clear and bold like bright marigolds.

I sit and write down these memories
For my memory is going and some day soon
Fear that I may not be able to recall them in this lifetime.
But know that these memories will still be there deep inside,
For when I am with all my loved ones in the afterlife,
My memories will no longer be in the dusty cobwebs of my mind.

Bob Collazo



  1. Bob,
    This is the most beautiful and superb writing that I have read so far!
    It is personal and intimate, and at the same time so very much everyone’s.

  2. Compadre as always your writing brings tears to my eyes. You bring out all the beauty in everyone’s life. Thank you so very much ❤️ I love you with all my heart and soul.

  3. Thank you so much, Comadre!

    I thank God that it’s so easy to write about all the beautiful memories in my life. We, including you, are all so blessed with these memories that we have stuck in our cobwebs of our minds. Love you.

  4. Enjoyed your heartwarming reflective thoughts and memories Amigo. Your poetic literary talents are in full display.

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