When Life Was Sweet, and Gas Was Cheap

Recalling back during hot summers as a kid,
We had no computers, Facebook, IPADs or caller-ID.
My brothers and I would all play baseball all day, on 38th Street.
Thinking now about those times, life was sweet and gas was  cheap.

Very special memories I have during those times was when we’d all go
Camping to Gardner State Park in a campsite filled with a bunch of Collazos;
Grilling, and playing ball with my parents, brothers, Uncles/Aunts, and Cousins twofold;
It was real family gold.

Robert Collazo, 4/13/11



  1. Hello Robert, reading what you said about Gardner State Park, I too started to remember the times when my family went there to camp, swim and hike up those hills. I remember that one big hill, when you climbed to the top of it, it overlooked the water and the park, it was very beautiful. Back then, when I was a kid I called those hills “mountains”. I also remember the caves along the hills, we would go in as far as we could before it got too dark and we got too scared……ha ha

    I hope you are doing great Robert, Still here in San Antonio, lots of work but I enjoy it.

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