A Chapter In the Autumn of My Life

In the long cobble stone path of a life that I have led,
Seems like only yesterday that I was young and strong,
When I had a young man’s blood that flowed in my veins
So, what happened, where did all the years go?
Life got in the way, and this old man is all that remains.

That same old man in my mirror now staring back at me,
An old man who’s hair has just about all turned grey, with wrinkles on his face,
But I still get that twinkle and gleam in my eyes,
Remembering all l the good times I’ve had with wife, Son, and now Chelsea,
Where much love flows, that only God could have bestowed.

Bob Collazo



  1. Beautiful Bob! I certainly can identify with it. I often feel the same way, I just haven’t been able to explain it so perfectly.
    Keep up with your enthusiasm and keep writing!

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