Our Mom

Mom, does it seem that long ago
When we were all young? When life was not complicated, and much loved flowed
In that little house on 38 Street,
When my brothers and I always shared laughter and all kinds of noise, and life was always sweet?

Do you recall the greatest of times when we would all go to the state park camping?
We would all jam, all crowed into the tiniest of cabin,
But it didn’t matter much since we all felt like millionaires,
With all the fun we would have, all the laughter we shared.

Of course, you must recall the early years with our lean times; but yet I can recall much joy
Where my brothers and I would get that lone toy,
Since the spirit of Christmas was always there
The lean times didn’t matter because love flowed much with your tenderness, and loving care of us.

Do you recall the best of times when we made that trip to Mexico?
Dad drove like a crazy Mexican in that hectic traffic, & we’d all hold our breath, but things were still so “magnifico”.
Even when we all got sick in that distant land, we still all felt safe because of you.
It was our first out-of-country of adventure, you might say, our grand debut.

Your 77th birthday is here, a Great-Grandma now too; but still there is much laughter and to do in that house now on Pepperwood.
To all your large family now, you’ve been quite supportive, and always understood,
You’ve been the light for us all, the glue that kept us together; the most
And best Mom to your Sons and their families.  So, now to you we toast!

Happy Birthday Mom, from all your family. We love You!


Robert Collazo, 12/06/08; edited on 12/21/08 –


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