My Summers in Laredo So Long Ago

My most earliest remembrance of my Tio Neto and Tia Carmen, and all the clan, were that they were all very loud,
But very protective of us kids, very loving, and very proud.
Recalling how Tio would give us all crew-cut haircuts with his clippers, whether you needed or not;
Recalling these great times with my cousins, how could I have ever forgot?

I remember the weekends we’d all go to Casablanca Lake,
Our skin would burn from playing too much in the sun and literally get darker and bake.
We would swim there, and Tio Neto would barbeque carne asada, while Tia Carmen made potato salad to die for,
We would all stuff our face until we couldn’t eat any more.

I remember the summers we all lived in that little home on Davis Street,
Summers there I recall the summer heat along with laughter all the time repeating.
My Tio Neto and Tia Carmen was much more than protective,
For they taught their kids to do the right thing; always do good, and above all, never lie, for that was the unwritten rule, for this was the objective.

So, I guess you could say spending summers in Laredo so long ago,
Give me now the magic memories to recall all the special times my Elizondo side of the family did bestow!

Robert Collazo, 11/29/08.  [Tio = Uncle; Tia = Aunt]


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