Mis Recuerdos De Mi Abuelita [My Memories of My Grandma]

My Abuelita was not a large person; for she was barely five feet.
Nevertheless, she took care of my brothers and I when we were young on 38th Street.
Recalling those days of my youth,
Of walking into our home from school and smelling the sweet savory smell of beans brewing
Meant a big bowl of them was waiting along with the best homemade tortillas, and plenty of mantequia!

Peculiar now how the smell of garlic or beans cooking, evokes such warm, vivid thoughts of her now.
She would always know and could see right through us when we did something wrong,
But she could make us stop by giving us that look and simply curling up her brow.
I now realize that she did everything to keep us safe, I must confess,
That we did not know it then, but now feel that with her, we were truly blessed.

I still vividly recall how one summer as a young boy, she told me that my Grandpa was so young when at thirty-nine he had died; that I was barely 3 months old when the Lord had taken him aside.
So upset that I never knew him; I remember I started crying, and felt terribly sad.
But she dried my tears, and said I would see him one day.
Since she passed years ago, I thought today, my Grandma and Grandpa are re-living their youth in heaven together, dancing eternity away.

Robert Collazo, 10/30/08   [Mantequia = Butter]


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