Remembering a Special Father’s Day When I Was Young

It seems like only yesterday,
When I was just a kid; and my fuzzy memories of that day resurrect
When I presented a gift to Dad that I made in school in the form of a cardboard display.
I remember how my Dad treated it like some sort of golden object;
By him doing that, he made me feel the most special one that day!

But it’s no wonder, for all who know this man, know that he’s always been
About doing all for his kids; and he would intentionally take second fiddle to us, so to speak.
My memory of him to this day when I picture him in my mind is his generous grin.
Yet, he was our protector, our strength; but more than anything else,
My Dad was everything to his four sons, for his love for us shined deep within.


Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
Your family all loves you!

Robert Collazo, 6/21/09


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